If You Still Trust the State, You are Fodder for the Next Big War
The medical industrial complex is second only to the military industrial complex in the smoldering piles of dead bodies left in its wake. As despicable as they may be, at least the war machine is selling what they advertise. Medicine operates under the presumption that they exist to help people, making their transgressions far more nefarious. Obvious disclaimer here: not all doctors and purveyors of medicine deserve a guilty verdict. Many have stood firm against the perversion of scientific methodology into a cult of scientism.
Iatrogenic causes ( which includes deaths from medications as prescribed as well as medical mistakes) were surpassed only by heart disease and cancer as the third leading cause of death in the United States according to a 2017 pubmed study. Covid supposedly overtook iatrogenesis for the bronze medal in 2020; however, the reporting is suspect because the federal government incentivized health care institutions to inflate SARS CoV-2 fatalities by downplaying or outright neglecting to mention comorbidities. Technically, those kind of shenanigans could be considered medical malpractice and thus iatrogenic in nature. 2021 is shaping up to be the year that medical malpractice gives cancer and heart disease a run for their money thanks to the emergency use authorization of vaccines and genetic therapies that haven't passed appropriate clinical trials. Heart disease may retain the crown, though due to many vaccine casualties falling into the vascular or coronary categories and being unattributed to the shots.
We are currently living through the largest open air medical experiment that has ever been conducted on our planet. Close to half of the U.S. population has now been injected with experimental synthetic antigen producing genetic manipulations! What could possibly go wrong? Even the J&J shot which is produced in traditional vaccine fashion through an adenoviral vector has caused blood clots and other deadly complications. This is because it contains the same spike protein that makes the virus so dangerous by binding to the cells that form a protective barrier inside your vessels causing blood to get sticky or stringy predicating a plethora of other issues. Moderna and Pfizer jabs actually program your DNA to produce the spike protein that actively destroys your body in hopes of an antibody response against a virus with a 99% survival rate. The other more traditional viral vector shot developed by Astra Zeneca at Oxford has already been banned in many countries due to its disastrous effects. Contrary to the drug industry's media propaganda, none of these shots are proven to be safe and effective because if they were then they would meet the standard for FDA approval.. The fact of the matter is that not only are the Pfizer and Moderna shots not approved, they're not even vaccines. These unvalidated therapies masquerade as vaccines to release their manufacturers from liability for whatever damages they may unleash on their test subjects thanks to the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (CVIA).
In addition to shielding giant pharmaceutical conglomerates from lawsuits over their faulty products, the CVIA also set up what is known as VAERS, the vaccine adverse event reporting system. This is a government database to record injuries believed to be caused by vaccinations. So far in the six months since the emergency use authorization was given in December of last year, VAERS has reported over 5000 deaths and over 25,000 serious injuries related to the covid jabs. The past six months of covid shots make up 40% of the total reporting over the life of the database (~30 years)! If that is not alarming enough, consider the fact that an audit of the VAERS database by the Harvard Medical School several years ago found underreporting to be so extensive that perhaps as low as 1% of vaccine adverse events are actually captured by the CDC system.
Compare those numbers to 1976 when, under the fear of a swine flu outbreak, President Ford fast tracked a mass vaccination program just like Trump greenlighted Operation Warp Speed. After only 32 people ( reports vary on the exact number) died and 532 suffered partial paralysis, the vaccine was promptly pulled from the market. Why is the US government today continuing to aggressively push these lethal genetic cocktails on its citizens? Now they even have a campaign to inject children who have been shown to be at near zero risk of fatality from the virus itself and usually don't even get sick enough to show any symptoms.
It's time for a new Nuremberg trial. The recklessly irresponsible pharmaceutical company execs and public health officials (looking at you Fauci) should be cellmates with the central bankers at the Supermax. They have neglected to follow the code of medical ethics established at the original Nuremberg trial which mandated the necessity of informed consent for test subjects of medical experimentation. Sure, many people are consenting to take the shots, but have they been well informed of the risks and alternatives? While it is ultimately the patient's responsibility to inform himself, the doctor also has an obligation to abide by his oath to do no harm and share the information he has with his patient. This includes not only giving them a copy of the vaccine insert which details potential side effects and lists adjuvant ingredients, but also sharing the existence and an analysis of any potential alternative therapies available.
There must not be any reliable alternative therapies to treat covid or else we wouldn't need these potentially harmful shots that are untested for long term effects, right? WRONG! Many doctors around the world have successfully used Ivermectin ( as well as hydroxychloroquine, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, intravenous vitamin c, budesonide, and chlorine dioxide) to treat covid patients yet the government agencies that regulate drugs in various countries refuse to recognize its efficacy. These doctors have not only been ignored, they have been heavily censored by corporate media and big tech platforms, otherwise known as the fourth branch of the federal government. Why are safe and effective treatments being suppressed while dangerous experimental ones are promoted? Well, Merck's patent on ivermectin expired in 1996 so it is widely available for a price of $3-12 for a course of treatment making it suitable for wide scale distribution especially in the poorest parts of the world. In stark contrast, remdesivir, which is the only drug approved by the FDA for covid costs over $3000 for a course of treatment. To see the results of a meta-analysis of 57 clinical trials of ivermectin as a covid treatment go to ivmmeta.com.
Herein lies the problem with much of our health care system. They have no incentive to offer affordable care ( regardless of what Obama, destroyer of Libya, Syria, and Yemen, told you) in the form of cheap, effective, and proven reliable treatments. These alternatives exist but are suppressed because pharmaceutical companies want treatments they can claim intellectual property rights over so that they can continue raking in obscene profits. They buy off the physicians to push their products and lobby government for regulations that guarantee their cartel status. They do not want their potential customers to seek true health through vitamins and healthy lifestyles because only sick people buy cures. In addition, the insurance industry has been annihilated by government intervention (again, regardless of what Obama, father of ISIS, told you) causing the price of health care to inflate to a degree that insurance is unaffordable to more and more individuals creating a captive market for their socialist alternative.
The simple truth that goes unspoken is that drug companies like Pfizer are some of the largest organized crime cartels that exist in the world. Pfizer itself has paid out billions of dollars in court judgements for their negligence and corruption. Moderna is a DARPA project because who else would you trust with your health than the state's killing force? By the way, the unapproved covid shot is the first product they have ever brought to market. Johnson & Johnson is currently under litigation for selling baby powder with arsenic in it!! It would be the height of unfounded naivete to trust these despicable crooks.
What you can trust is what brought down the infection rates of many common diseases like whooping cough and scarlet fever before the advent of immunization and biotechnology and that's nutrition. A healthy immune response gives you host resistance. The fact is that covid was never a threat to healthy people. The people that suffered and died from this virus were immune compromised already. It affected the elderly who are frail and depend on multiple pharmaceutical prescriptions to keep them alive. It also affected the obese who subsist on antibiotic laden industrial meat, glyphosate poisoned vegetables and other processed crap that can't even be considered food washed down with gmo corn syrup soda.
All evidence points a rational observer to conclude that this is a manufactured crisis created by an engineered virus. If available treatments and the doctors promoting them had not been suppressed, the "pandemic" would have disappeared into thin air. The reason why the U.S. and other states became totalitarian regimes in 2020 is that they needed to create an environment of fear so that they could coerce everyone into taking the deadly shots. The important question everyone should be asking now is why governments worldwide so desperately need us to take these shots. Could it be that they are so owned by big pharma that they are falling in line doing their bidding to enrich that industry? Or maybe the fact that they are so indebted by the unfunded liabilities of their Social Security and Medicare programs that they think they can balance the budget if they exterminate the old and sick? Maybe the shots are just a trojan horse to deliver paramagnetic nanoparticles into everyone's bloodstream so they can be controlled or monitored remotely with electromagnetic frequencies like 5G? Perhaps the globalists at the U.N. and World Economic Forum just needed a worldwide crisis to precipitate their dream of a universal one world government. The likelihood is that the answer is a combination of these things brought about by the overlapping agendas of various groups of psychopaths.
Whatever the answer, one thing is certain. No experiment can produce meaningful results unless you maintain a control group to compare with the experimental group. I for one will choose to remain in the control group! Won't you join me?