2025: Welcome Back
Aloha friends,
It has been a long time since my website was up and running and I want to offer a sincere apology to anyone who was frustrated by trying to search for the previously defunct website prominently displayed on my labels. Thanks for checking back in. and welcome to any new customers who stumbled into my lair. I love you all and I hope my views don’t offend you, but if they do feel free to share your opinions and disagreements with me. I truly believe that we are all one consciousness experiencing the world through infinite perspectives and that even our most ardent adversaries offer us lessons which aid us in our personal evolution.
It’s kind of bizarre to look back at my last blog post from 2021. My opinions on what covid actually was have evolved in many ways and yet I still mostly agree with what I was sharing at that incredibly intense period of brazen violations of our fundamental human rights. Although the covid operation had many facets and seemed to link many intersecting agendas of control, what really stands out for me from that surreal time period is the social/ behavioral control aspect of the whole experience. Anyone who is paying attention knows that we are being slow-killed by a million different vectors, but the MK Ultra continuation angle of the covid op is what stands out to me as the primary feature. Our oppressors need to understand how we think in order to steer our consciousness. At this point we are all data to be fed into large language models that will increasingly be expected to make our decisions for us. Honest question: can it really be called artificial “intelligence” if it is trained by a primitive and illogical master?
Sorry if you came here for farm talk. I swear that’s what I really want to share but I need to address the elephant in the hospital. The elephant is the poison in our food, water, and air. One outcome of covid was the rise of many iconoclastic personalities who gained popularity by being on team “Fuck Fauci!”. Some of them were deserving of praise and support, others used the moment to advantage themselves by preying on the vulnerabilities of the naive masses. Whatever the eventual outcome, it is clear that the media landscape has shifted drastically from 5 years ago. TV and newspaper mockingbird news is dead, but a newer, more sophisticated version of state-controlled media has emerged. Social media upholds the pretense of free speech while still algorithmically suppressing certain views.
I cringe at the imperative to discuss politics, but I cannot ignore the current dynamic of a shift in the American administration. Hawaii is traditionally Western California in terms of political affilliation. However, the Trump phenomenon has managed to appeal to many conservative minded political dissidents here. I want to share with you my experience with politics since the covid illusion. I became quite involved with the Libertarian Party from 2021 through 2023. I was dumbfounded by the failure of the party in 2020 to address the obvious violations of civil liberties when people were being told they were nonessential, so I took initiative and got involved. I personally despise the two party system as a control mechanism to drive everyone into a ditch. Nobody actually agrees with everything that a particular candidate espouses so they accept a political party affiliation as shorthand for actually doing the work of vetting the positions of individual candidates. What ends up happening is that we shout about the things we oppose and then we blindly accept the team that claims it isn’t that. The result is that we support criminals in their criminality because they pander to us on a couple of issues. The result of my brief foray into politics was that I realized the uselessness of political parties in all their forms. Somehow, the noble intentions of individuals once they become immersed in the melting pot of an institution cannot help but become diluted by their infusion into a crowd. So I have come to the conclusion that politics on all sides is a waste of our precious time and capital. Nothing positive will ever be produced from a structure devised to serve powerful elites and control the masses. Politics is the polar opposite of community; it is centralized control rather than a respectful allowance of individuals to manage their own affairs. Don’t ever let anyone tell you anarchy means chaos; anarchy is a beautiful vision of a world where we take personal responsibility over our lives instead of allowing others (usually con men and pedophiles) to assume a role of power over us.
Take Trump for the obvious example in American politics currently. Many people see him as the solution to the woke mind virus of the progressives. What they fail to recognize is that they are succumbing to the equal and opposite prejudice of their own bias. True enlightenment consists of recognizing that we all harbor biases which refract the incoming neutral data to confirm our prior beliefs. Those who have sunk their faith into Trump as their arbiter of change will be ultimately disappointed just as those who saw Obama as the progenitor of “hope and change”. They all represent the same elite circles who seek to control us through their influence over both parties. That is precisely the point of a two party system! Trump’s supporters imagine themselves as the frontline against medical tyranny, public school indoctrination of their kids, central bank digital currency, and illegal immigration. The truth is that all of these agendas will continue in full force under the Trump administration because the president is not the “leader of the free world” as advertised. The fact is they are all puppets of the true power made to dance on the strings and use whatever rhetoric appeals to their particular base to convince them to accept the agenda. The agendas of “one-world government” power elites continue across all administrations of both political stripes, two wings of the same vulture. The relaxed posture of Republicans who believe they have won will be betrayed because that is the essential feature of a divide and conquer strategy. If you don’t want a CBDC administered by the Fed or the Treasury, perhaps you will think you won when you are presented with an alternative managed by J.P. Morgan Chase. Do you imagine Trump to be somehow anti-war? Sit back and watch him offer lip service about eliminating NATO while he starts new wars in the Middle and Far East. Just look how well he “cleaned up the swamp” in his first term by empowering the most criminal crocodiles like Mike “we lie, we cheat, we steal” Pompeo, Tony “wear your mask” Fauci, John Bolton, and Eliot Abrams.
Some see hope in the role of Bobby Kennedy, Jr. to “make America healthy again”. In my experience, if something is being sold to the public with a catchy slogan, you can pretty much guarantee it is a propaganda campaign. Obviously, health (or illness) is the result of a multitude of personal decisions that we all constantly make regarding our diet and lifestyle. It cannot be mandated somehow by a government agency. What the government could be empowered to accomplish would be to prosecute the corporate criminals who are responsible for poisoning our food, water, and air and selling us pharmaceuticals which only serve to make us sicker. However, that is a pipe dream. The government exists to protect the powerful. If your interests can afford a giant lobbying campaign, you can assure that legislation is written and voted in that will accomplish your goals. What the second Trump administration signals is the ascendancy of the technocracy. If you aren’t familiar with the term, technocracy means rule by “experts”. It is the idea that we are all just too stupid to understand what is best for us so we should just go back to our blue collar pursuits and accept that the empty suits and the white coats will decide how we should be governed- you know, the people that got everything wrong during covid. If you want to understand the true definition of artificial intelligence, look no further than the politicians.
Fortunately, we still have the ability to circumvent their propaganda. Stop giving air to the talking heads and bloviating windbag politicians and let them suffocate in their own obsolescence. The correct posture to take towards politicians is shame and ridicule. Let them become the outcasts they deserve to be. And another thing, stop accepting the faulty premise that Hawaii is legitimately a state in the American union. Hawaii is definitionally an occupied territory and a sovereign kingdom which owes its aggressor no loyalty or tribute. The history is clear for anyone who wishes to become educated. It is high time we all stop paying deference to the empire and let it crumble under its own obesity.
I am an eternal optimist and I truly believe that we are in a period of awakening. The darkest hour is just before the dawn and the bankers, technocrats, war pigs, and slavemasters have overplayed their hand. It’s time to call their bluff, abandon their losing strategy, and build parallel systems based on freewill, love, and universal law. Let’s make 2025 the year governments become irrelevant!