Trust Your Source

In a world polluted with toxic food, you need to know where yours originates. If you have found yourself here, you certainly understand the importance of fresh nutritive sustenance and the fragility of a food system that relies on global trade and international shipping. You need the confidence that only comes from developing a personal relationship with your food producers. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Brady Stewart.

I believe that food from responsible land stewards nourishes mind, body, and soul eliminating the need for costly and risky medical interventions and leaving your conscience clean and your spirit free and easy. I could explain the details of my farming philosophy and techniques, but to avoid boring you I will point you towards my blog if you enjoy discussions about subjects like tillage, soil science, nutrition, and the politics of food. I will just sum up my practices here as promoting natural biological processes to function by encouraging a diverse ecosystem to allow plants to thrive in a healthy, poison-free environment. I believe weeds are healers of the soil and pests are trash collectors. Far from being our enemies, they serve as indicators that the system is out of balance somewhere.

I want you to feel secure in your family’s health because your food is grown right here on the garden island in minerally fortified, biologically active soil. The sovereignty of the aina is perpetuated in righteousness. I humbly offer my services to you in hope that you find value in the nourishment I provide. I look forward to our blossoming connection. May it bear much fruit. Mahalo